Welcome to

Artificial Mind

This is my place where I will share some thoughts about music and sounds. I will share thoughts, sounds for synthesizers and samples every now and then. If you like them it would be nice with some feedback! If you do not like what you find here, give me feedback too but try to be constructive...

Artificial Minds collects what I do in "one place". Wether is is music, sounds or samples - it is all Artificial Mind. Since most things I do when it comes to music involves a computer or some other kind of machinery, it seemed like a proper name.

Everything you find on this site is free for both commercial and personal use unless stated otherwise. If you distribute the material found on this site in any way and on any media, I must be credited as the source of the material.

If anything you use on this site cause you any physical, mental or material damage, I can not be held responsible. The material is provided as is.

Now, when this is settled. Enjoy!